On 17th and 22nd January 2022, Alessandro Crudele comes back on the podium of the Württembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen for the New Year’s Concert with the star saxophonist Asya Fateyeva. The concert will be presented in the magnificent acoustic of the Stadthalle in Reutlingen and will be repeated in the town of Nagold, on the border of the Northern Black Forest.
The “pictorial” programme, inspired by ballet, film music and visual art, includes Spectre of the Rose Wlatz by American avant-gard composer George Antheil, La création du monde by Darius Milhaud, Jacques Ibert’s Concertino da camera for alto saxophone and orchestra and Modest Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition, orchestrated by Ravel.
Crudele has already successfully conducted last New Year’s Concert of the Württembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen – a live streamed concert due to the Covid-19 restrictions – receiving enthusiastic reviews by the German press. Christoph B. Ströhle described the concert on the Reutlingen General-Anzeiger as “a balm for the corona-afflicted souls”.